Prescription Medication | Discounts on Prescription Refills

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Choose from a Wide Variety of Prescription Medication

Access Safe Prescription Medication

As a member of CIPA, Canada Prescriptions Plus provides safe and affordable prescription medication (not including controlled substances) for up to a maximum 3 month supply.

About Online Prescription Prices and Prescription Refills

Prescription medication prices can range between 50 and 80 percent less than buying similar prescription medication through your local U.S. pharmacies. is not a pharmacy. We negotiate on your behalf with several Canadian and International pharmacies to obtain the best prescription discounts and pass the savings on to you. We use only accredited Canadian and International pharmacies to ensure that you receive only the highest levels of quality and service. Canada Prescriptions Plus facilitates the review of your prescription medication and your medical health by licensed Canadian physicians.

How are Online Prescription Drug Prices Determined in Canada

The Canadian government sets price limits on how much pharmaceutical companies can charge for prescription medication. No such limits exist in the United States and pharmaceutical companies charge as much as the market will bear.

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If you have questions please feel free to call us at our toll free number: +1-866-779-7587 Or you can email

Exceptional Customer Service

Whatever questions or concerns you have about the International and Canadian drug pricing or how to buy prescription drugs through Canada Prescriptions Plus, you can call our customer care helpline i.e. +1-866-779-7587 or email us at That’s a service your neighborhood drugstore can’t match!

Top Quality and Safety

We provide access to pharmaceuticals and maintenance medications (but not controlled substances) in 90-day quantities to U.S. residents. We are an active member of the Canadian International Pharmacy Association. We know quality and safety is your first concern – that’s why all medications purchansed through our site are shipped from licensed pharmacies that follow stringent regulatory guidelines similar to the American system.

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