Safely Buy Tazorac Cream ( Tazarotene ) from Canada Prescriptions Plus.

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Tazorac Cream

Prescription Required
Formulation : Cream
Drug Name Dosage Quantity Price Buy Now
Tazorac Cream 0.10% 30g $485.75 Add To Cart
Tazorac Cream
Dosage: 0.10%
Quantity: 30g
Price: $485.75

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Prescription Required
Formulation : Cream
Drug Name Dosage Quantity Price Buy Now
Tazarotene 0.10% 20g $29.30 Add To Cart
Tazarotene 0.10% 20g $29.75 Add To Cart
Tazarotene 0.10% 40g $42.65 Add To Cart
Dosage: 0.10%
Quantity: 20g
Price: $29.30
Dosage: 0.10%
Quantity: 20g
Price: $29.75
Dosage: 0.10%
Quantity: 40g
Price: $42.65


Tazorac is an acne cream used to treat acne vulgaris in adults and adolescents as well as plaque psoriasis in adults.

Tazarotene is a retinoid prodrug that binds to your retinoic acid receptors to reduce fine wrinkles, hyper- and hypopigmentation, and skin lesions. Thanks to its actions on these receptors, Tazorac cream supports your skin’s health and renewal to improve the appearance and texture of skin. When applied to affected skin, this cream medication helps treat acne lesions and plaque psoriasis.

Dosage and Administration

The administration of Tazorac cream will vary depending on the individual and skin condition being treated. Follow all your healthcare provider’s instructions and read packaging labels carefully to ensure the best therapeutic response during treatment. Do not change your dose on your own.

  • Wash hands thoroughly before and after use
  • Apply in the evening before bed
  • Apply to skin, do not ingest
  • Avoid contact with your eyes, nose, and mouth
  • Do not apply to open wounds, sunburns, or irritated skin
  • Women should start using Tazorac cream during a menstrual period
  • You can apply lotion or other moisturizing products before or after the cream but ensure that the product has dried before applying the next
  • Store at room temperature away from children and pets

To apply:

  • Remove makeup before application
  • Dry skin after washing your face, bathing, or showering before applying
  • Use a pea-sized amount of cream and gently massage into your face
  • Apply once a day before bed

To treat plaque psoriasis:

  • Apply a thin layer of 0.05% strength cream over your psoriatic lesions
  • Adolescents over the age of 12 should use 0.05% strength cream on psoriatic lesions
  • Adolescents can increase to 0.1% strength cream if needed and tolerated
  • Do not cover your face with Tazorac cream

To treat acne:

  • Apply a thin layer of 0.1% cream to acne lesions
  • Wear sunscreen to protect your skin during treatment

Side Effects

Tazorac cream may cause some side effects while treating your acne and psoriatic lesions. Speak with your healthcare provider to learn more about any symptoms that you might encounter during treatment.

Common Tazorac cream side effects:

  • Dry, scaly, or peeling skin
  • Skin pain, redness, or burning
  • Itching or irritation of treated skin areas

Serious Side Effects

Some more serious adverse reactions may occur when using Tazorac cream. Stop using this acne and psoriasis cream and contact your healthcare provider if you notice any of the following symptoms:

  • Severe skin irritation after application (pain, dryness, flaking, burning, stinging, or itching)
  • Blistering or peeling skin
  • Severe redness or discomfort
  • Swelling, warmth, oozing, or other signs of a skin infection

Allergic Reactions

Do not use Tazorac cream if you are allergic to tazarotene or any of the other listed cream ingredients. If you notice signs of an allergic reaction, stop using this facial cream and call your healthcare provider.

Tazorac cream allergy symptoms may include:

  • Hives
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Swelling of face, lips, tongue, or throat


Do not use Tazorac cream if you are pregnant because the medication can lead to birth defects. Use effective methods of birth control to prevent pregnancy during treatment.

Stop using Tazorac cream and contact your healthcare provider immediately if you become pregnant, stop using birth control, or if you miss a menstrual period.

To ensure your safety when using Tazorac cream, tell your healthcare provider if you have ever had any of the following:

  • Eczema, sunburn, or another skin condition
  • Skin cancer including lentigo maligna
  • Allergic reaction to a skin product
  • If you work outside

Your skin may look worse before your acne or plaque psoriasis condition improves. Continue using Tazorac cream as directed.

Consult with your healthcare provider about the risks or breastfeeding while using Tazorac cream.

Tazorac cream can cause your skin to be more sensitive to the sun and can get sunburned more easily. Avoid direct exposure to sunlight or artificial UV rays and wear sunscreen.

If you also use benzoyl peroxide to treat acne, do not use it at the same time as Tazorac cream. Use one in the morning and one at night.

Some drugs may interact with Tazorac cream and cause adverse reactions. Tell your healthcare provider about all the medications you take, including over the counter medicines, but especially any of the following:

  • Antibiotic medications
  • Any medicine that makes your skin sensitive to sunlight

Tazorac is not an approved acne treatment for any child younger than 12 years old or an approved treatment for plaque psoriasis in anyone under the age of 18.

Form and Strength

This retinoid medication is available in cream form.

Tazorac cream strengths:

  • 0.05%
  • 0.10%

The 0.05% strength Tazorac cream is available in volumes of 30, 60, and 90 grams while the 0.1% cream is available in quantities of 20, 40, and 60 grams.


How long does it take for Tazorac to be effective?

Tazorac cream is quickly absorbed into your skin and begins affecting your retinoic acid receptors, but it may take 1 or 2 weeks of daily treatment before its actions take effect. Your condition may appear to worsen when you begin treatment, but this is common and should improve within 12 weeks.

Can you use moisturizer with Tazorac cream?

Yes, you can apply moisturizers, lotions, and other emollient products while using Tazorac cream. These products can be applied before or after you apply Tazorac, but whichever is applied first.



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Scientific Name:






Quantities Available:

20g, 30g, 40g